Monday, October 9, 2017

Another "About Me".

Okay so it say's here that the word "Identity" means a :sameness of essential or generic character in different instances and th- okay you know what forget it, here's the link  (Yes I know, I can be very lazy) If you already know what it means then you can just skip this part, and pretend you never ever saw it, if you want.

Okay back to the point. So I've been told that everybody has this thing called Identity, right? Right. Honestly I don't know what to say, who am I, or even what am I? Some people call me Sharon, the weird one, and believe it or not sometimes even the GOLDEN Donkey, not yellow, but Golden. G-O-L-D-E-N!! Big difference there. I'm also one of the very few South Koreans in my grade. You can guess my gender. I'm the oldest child. Not really anything new, but I NEED Music everyday in a daily basis, trust me. I guess you could say I have a fear of water. I want to be a photographer, like not those type of people who take boring ass photos of everyday things, and maybe work at a nice company, like National Geographic. Oh and my favorite color is white or either periwinkle. I  also played the piano for maybe about 4 or 5 years. There's probably more, but these are just the main. 

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