1. Quality Family Time, especially because for a holiday like Christmas, one of the many best ways to celebrate is with your beloved family, but if your family is just like the waking up early and opening up the presents and soon being done with just about all of the so called "celebrating" of Christmas type of family then maybe this could be the year to change all that.

2. About 50 more sets of Headphones/ or Earphones, I know this seems a little over the top, but if you saw my "about me" page, one of my absolute necessities are Music. And with extra headphones and earphones I could not only listen to music, but with with peace. Imagine that.
3. A Trip To Japan (Which Is Probably Not Going To Happen), but you know the saying, "Just Go With The flow." Anyway back to what I was saying, so next year both my aunt and mom are taking a trip to South Korea, so I really don't see why I can't go to Japan except that I might have to miss out on school, but I mean this is Japan were talking about. I'm sure a few people here would do the same, and yes I already know it's really expensive and all, but I really wanted to go see all the capitals, specifically Tokyo, and probably take some souvenirs with me.

4. The Entire Collection Of Blood Lad, Hardcover Style, So I've just recently finished reading the series, and it was gosh, I don't know, it was just you know, let's just leave it at there.

5. Snow, I really want it to snow, like really. For the past like hundred years or was it longer, now that I think about it I don't think I even know what snow looks like now, wait a minute what is this word "s-n-o-w." Just kidding guys. I know that just yesterday it was snowing, but that was yesterday; December 9, 2017, I truly want it to snow on the day of Christmas, like how about during either the Morning, Afternoon, or Night, It doesn't matter, I just would love for it to snow on Christmas.
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