Sunday, April 8, 2018

Probably One Of The Most Recommended Rules For PARCC

If you want to know how to do great or at least better than before, on the PARCC tesing, read this:

1)  This is really important. Don't Study for the PARCC test. Just don't. DON'T. PLEASE. Also this is what my sister said to write → " It's a waste of your precious time." 

2) Sleep super late. Probably going on your phone would be best for you. I mean it did work for me.;) 

3) Forget about the Vitamins. For PARCC Testing you really don't need that kind of stuff, what you really need is some McDonald and some Kentucky Fried Chicken. 

4) Don't wear comfortable clothes. Wear something EXTREMELY EXTREMELY  UNCOMFORTABLE ACTUALLY. 

5?) Oh and this isn't really that important, but don't bring headphones, or earphones. If you do plan on bringing them, your making a huge mistake. I suggest you break all headphones and earphones you have at home. 

6) Get a volleyball, soccerball, basketball, baseball, football, and etc. Actually just bring whatever you would prefer. It helps with your stress during PARCC and also while you don't study for the PARCC test. 

7) Or simple. Just take your PARCC  test home. And find whatever answer key thing, you can get your hands on. How? Is that even possible?? Yes. I think. 

8) One more thing, eat lots and lots candy before 3:00 A.M. in the morning.
And if your the healthy type of person, just burn off during those three hours, like do some exercise. 
And if your not, get ready for the PARCC test, by not studying some more.

Finally finished;) (Now that wasn't so bad now, was it?)
Now that were coming to an end.
Any questions? If  you do; Please Comment below!!
Then after those horrifying days of PARCC TESTING. Just go on with your life. No big deal. Trust me. Everybody does this. It's part of growing up.