Sunday, November 19, 2017

It's finally Thanksgiving break, I'm sitting on the toilet, with my earbuds. My sister's still brushing her teeth. While I'm listening to music and reading at the same time. I have a lot to be thankful for.
1. My parents, Even though they can really get annoying at times, They still gave me life.
2. Money in the Bank, Having just a few coins makes you richer than most people on Earth.
3. Weekends, The times of relaxation.

4. Good Health, Even if you’re health isn’t great, it could be worse and you likely still have some working parts to be thankful for.
5. Good Friends, Often, it’s the quality of friendships, not the quantity.
6. Freedom of Religion, Being able to worship whomever and however you want is something many people don’t ever get to do.
7. Pets, Pets offer one of the best examples of unconditional love.
8. An Ability to Read, If you’re reading this right now, you have a lot to be thankful for.
9. Anything Music Related, Being able to escape from the world and inspiring me to do greater things. Also being there when I'm bored or not feeling up to doing anything.  
10. My Name, It's really simple, but it's a really big part of my identity.

Just One, One more Episode!!!!

  Binging...I'm not usually the type of person to binge a lot, but alright, based on what other people say I can assume that we all love watching something in a row over and over again just to get it over with. Well, guess what? It's called a binge. By the way this is my favorite binge that I have done so far. Okay, so for the Stranger Things Season 2  Nicole decided to do something big. And we ended up having a  Stranger Things Bingefest at her house. It was unbelievably fun. We had a blast, we watched the episodes while we ate pizza, and Eliza brought red velvet cupcakes, CUPCAKES. We watched I think 6 episodes. Until I had to leave and wanna know something, I was the very first one to leave.

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Well I don't know. People say I'm a lot of things. Okay anyway I'm sure you guys know the book Outsiders, and that we had to write a blog about it, but I'm sure you could tell that this is REALLY LATE, but after all this this time, it's still really hard to say. Some people say I'm Ponyboy, Johnnny, Darry, Sodapop, sometimes even Dally. But that's just what other people think. What I feel like is that I may have more of a connection to Johnny out of the whole gang. When reading and learning more things about Johnny I started to compare and relate his feelings, actions and thoughts to myself. I started to realize that me and him were not as different, maybe except for a few things, but I honestly feel I understand him